Tagged: sony mirrorless camera reviews

Sony A6000 landscape 4

Sony A6000 landscape photography in the Azores

Sony A6000 landscape photography in the Azores The landscapes of the Azores are stunning, so I thought this would be ideal to test the Sony A6000 landscape photography capabilities. I haven’t invested in any dedicated...

Sony A6000 Azores 6

The Azores with the Sony A6000

The Azores with the Sony A6000 I am currently smack in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean testing the Sony A6000 and the Zeiss 24-70 f4. The Azores have a temperate climate all year...

Sony A6000 review 3

Sony A6000 review

Sony A6000 review part 1 Introduction I’ve been out shooting today for my Sony A6000 review. The supplied Sony 16-50mm lens unfortunately failed this morning.. I did some testing with it yesterday, mainly AF tests and this...

sony a7r review 1

Sony A7r review

Sony A7r review: is it worth spending the extra $$$?   Introduction The Sony A7r has much in common with it’s sibling, the Sony A7. Indeed, the two cameras look identical but there are...