C1Styles: presets for Lightroom 5 and Capture One

C1Styles presets for Lightroom 5 and Capture One


C1Styles is a team of professional photographers and assistants who develop presets for Lightroom 5, Capture One and Apple Aperture.

presets for lightroom 5, C1Styles

They share the presets they make amongst each other and select the ones they end up using most. These are sold as styles collections on their website.

presets for lightroom 5, C1Styles

I’ve been using some of their presets for Lightroom 5 and Capture One for about a year now. They have the feel of lomo/vintage-style pictures, only much better quality. The camera that seems to pair best is the Fuji X100s.

presets for lightroom 5, C1Styles

The three packs I mainly use are Spring Drops, Hot Summer and Italy 1970. Each contains nine main styles and six variants per style.

You often need to do some adjusting, depending on the material, to achieve the best look for your pictures.

presets for lightroom 5, C1Styles

The following example presets for Lightroom 5 and Capture One show the nine main styles, without any tweaking, just to show you what you’d get straight out of the box.

Hot Summer presets

Color treatments for atmospheric and magical looks.

Italy 1970 styles

This preset pack is inspired by the look of Italy in the 70′s.

Spring Drops

Color treatments for portraits, but they seem to work well on landscapes too.

You can find the C1Styles presets for Lightroom 5 and Capture One facebook here.

wim arys

Wim Arys is a photographer from Belgium Europe with a passion for mirrorless cameras.

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