5 Productivity Tips for Photographers


What’s the best way to get the most out of your time as a photographer? Is it to shoot as many photos as possible? Work on your lighting and composition? Or is it best to stick to one project and perfect it? The quick answer is that we all have different ways of getting the most out of our time. I’ve made a list of 5 tasks that can help you manage your To-Do list in time for lunch.  Here are 5 productivity tips for photographers that will help you to get the most out of your time and get your work noticed.

1. Learn to use your camera 

This might be an obvious point to make but cameras have become small computers.Like it or not, technology is pushing the boundaries of creativity. Artists everywhere are using innovative technology to create photos and videos that are as beautiful as they are breathtaking. The most exciting development in photography technology has been the mirrorless camera. This digital device brings the look of a DSLR, but much smaller and lighter. It also produces quality high dynamic range (HDR) images, without the weight and bulk of traditional cameras.

learn how to use our camera

If you love photography, it’s important to learn how to use your modern digital camera. It’s a skill that can take a long time to master but once you do it will help improve your business in many ways.

2. Organise your workflow

If you’re a photographer, then you know that your workflow is crucial. All the times you move from one step in your work to the next, make a mistake, and then go back and redo something, you are slowing yourself down and potentially losing shots in the process. 

And if you’re a novice photographer, then your workflow is even more important! You are more likely to make mistakes and lose shots because you are still learning how to use your camera, your workflow is your saving grace. 


That’s why it’s very important to organise your photo editing workflow. The best way to do this is with a digital workflow. Train yourself to edit your images in the same way, from importing them in Lightroom all the way to your backup process. This will eventually also give you more time for content creation. A photography workstation is also very important for anyone who wants to optimise their tools for productivity.

Remember that lack of time is a major factor in photography; you can’t create excellent pictures if you don’t set aside time to do so. 

3. Get up early

Most people think that great images are taken at midday, when it’s bright and sunny, But when it comes to photography, you need to be up early in the morning around 6am so you can take advantage of what’s called magic hour. When it comes to taking great pictures, it’s all about finding the right angle and especially the right light. The best time I think is around 6-8am in the morning, before the sun comes up but after it starts to get a little lighter. Also, it’s a great time for a walk around your city as well. 

If however you don’t like to get up in the middle of the night, you can also try your luck late in the day when the sun is low. Sunset is great because you can get some really cool light and it’s a time when people are going to be a bit more introverted and focused on getting work done. It’s a good time to take photos.

For both scenarios, timing is everything when it comes to photography. You want to plan out your shoot ahead of time, you need to know the weather, you need to make sure that you have enough light and the right angle for your camera. A great photograph is one that captures the essence of the subject. 

4. Have a routine

We all know photographer’s block.You can’t get out of the house.You don’t have enough time.  You can’t find the right light. You’re too tired. You don’t have the right lens. You have too many excuses! There is no real excuse for why people don’t practice their craft. Every day, your competitor is taking pictures. Every day, he is practicing their craft. They might not be a master, but they are taking pictures. They are out there, and they are doing it. 

I’ve been an avid photographer for many years, and I’ve seen (and heard) a lot of excuses for why people don’t practice their craft. But, honestly, who wants to hear about how hard it is to find time to take photos? If you want to get better at anything, you have to find time for it, period. So, set aside time for photography every day, even if it’s just an hour.

Before you head out the door to take your kids to school, or squeeze in a lunchtime run, or head to the gym, make sure your camera is in your bag. Setting aside time each day to practice your photography is a great way to learn the more about snapping perfect images and to make sure you keep your skills sharp.

5. Be selective about your photos 

The photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson once said, “(The camera) is like a view-finder that frames the world in a certain way.” He compared a good photographer to a hunter, carefully concealing himself and waiting for just the right moment to capture his subject.

Good photography is a time-honored tradition of observing the world around you and using your artistic eye to capture something beautiful in a single image. A good photographer doesn’t allow rushing or fussiness to get in the way of their art; they are very selective about the photos they take, since they know that each shot should be one that truly reveals the world around them.

As a professional photographer, you have to be extremely picky about the photos I show off: every time I post a new photo on Instagram or Facebook, it’s a chance for a potential client to see what I do. (Of course, I also post a lot of photos of my cat on there, but I digress.)

If I post a photo that’s not very sharp, or if the composition is weak, then people are going to assume that I’m not a very good photographer, even if that’s not the case.

Good photographers are very selective about their photos. They should be, because there is a lot of work that goes into taking good photos. One photo that stands out from the pack is a photo that captivates the viewer.

Captivating photos should have the right amount of contrast, color and contrast, and lighting.


How good are you at time management? How many times have you thought about being a more productive photographer? Sometimes even the simplest tasks get lost in your workday. It’s however time to change your schedule, pay attention and ignore those messages on social media. 

No matter how good your photos are, you’ll never be able to get better images if you don’t get organised and practice your craft. Grab yourself a coffee and start your list of tasks today. 
