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Sony A7R light leak fix images and test

Sep 3, 2014 | technical, tips and tricks | 2 comments

Written By Wim Arys

Sony A7r light leak fix images


The Sony A7r light leak issue, where light ‘leaked” in through the lens mount to the sensor at long exposures and high ISO settings, caused some concern amongst users.

Even though most users won’t ever experience this problem, the A7r especially is often used by landscape photographers who tend to use these extreme settings.

Sony A7 and A7r light leak fix

There have been a few DYI solutions available which involved using tape or plastic hair bands to ensure no leakage is possible and even a temporary solution by Sony repair centres. Now there is a permanent Sony A7R light leak fix available.

I sent my A7r in and tech repair told me the A7r light leak fix involves two steps:

  • Added dark sheeting strips inside the camera body to ensure no leaks occur there
  • A custom made rubber band that slides on the camera lens mount to fully seal that area too.
sony a7r light leak fix

A7R without a rubber band applied

sony a7r light leak fix

A7R with the rubber band applied


I just thoroughly tested the camera at long exposures and high ISO and can safely say the Sony A7r light leak fix works as it should.

I’d suggest anyone with an A7 or A7r to send it in for repairs within your warranty period, as it will ensure the possible resale value of you camera.

A7R with rubber band applied

Rubber band


Written By Wim Arys

Wim Arys, a visionary photographer and educator, shares his expertise and passion for capturing the essence of life through the lens.

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  1. Don

    Hey there! Where can we find the black rubber ring to cover the orange ring ?
    (I dont like the orange ring and want to cover it or paint it black somehow)
    Any ideas !? Thanks so much Wim !


    • wim arys

      Hi Don, as far as I know, the only way to get one of these rubber rings is through Sony. It’s a moulded piece of rubber that perfectly fits over the orange mount, so I don’t think there are any other solutions out there. I would strongly advise against painting it black though, this would void warranty and paint particles could possibly get on the sensor. If you own an A7 or A7r, just send it to Sony for this ‘light leak fix’.


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