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How to Use Content-Aware to Remove an Object in Photoshop

Jan 29, 2023 | tips and tricks | 0 comments

Written By Wim Arys

How to Use Content-Aware to Remove an Object in Photoshop


Have you ever been working on a photo and had to remove something? Maybe there was an object in the background or someone’s face that needed to be removed. But what do you do when Photoshop doesn’t have a tool for the job, like content-aware fill?

Fortunately, Adobe has created this helpful tutorial on how to use content-aware replace in Photoshop by using some of their tools: Content Aware Fill and Quick Mask.

How to remove an object in Photoshop

1. Choose the tool you want to use: Content-Aware Move or Patch.

2. Select the object you want to remove. If using the Patch tool, be sure to select an area around the object that will blend in with the surrounding area when moved.

3. Use the mouse to move the object around or click and drag to remove it.

4. Use the keyboard to change the tool’s options, if desired. For example, you can use the ‘m’ key to cycle through different modes for the Content-Aware Move tool, or use ‘alt’ + click to sample a new source area for patching with the Patch tool.

How to use the Content-Aware Fill

In order to use the Content-Aware Fill to remove an object in Photoshop, first use the Quick Selection Tool to select the element you want to remove. Then, use the [ ] keys to change the brush size to adjust the selection. Next, use the Lasso Tool to trace around the object. Hold Alt down to add to the selection. Finally, go to Edit in the menu bar and select Content-Aware Fill. The preview inside the Content-Aware Fill tool will show you how the image looks without the intruding object. If you’re satisfied with the results, click OK.

How to use Clipping Masks

1. Open the Photoshop document you want to work on.

2. Select the area of the image you want to use as a mask.

3. Click on the Clipping Mask icon in the Masking panel.

4. In the popup that appears, select the area you want to mask (this can be an image layer, a solid color, or a pattern).

5. Click on the Commit button to apply the mask and hide everything else in the document outside of the masked area.

How to use Face-Aware Liquify

1. To use Face-Aware Liquify to remove an object in Photoshop, open the photo you want to edit in Photoshop and select the Liquify tool (L).

2. Under the Liquify Options tab, select the Face-Aware option.

3. Select the object you want to remove and click on the middle of the object to select it.

4. Click on the Liquify button (L).

5. Under the Liquify Options tab, select the Remove Objects option.

6. Select the group of people or objects you want to remove and click on the Remove button (R).

7. Click on OK to finish

How to use Refine Edge Brush

To remove an object from an image using the Refine Edge Brush tool in Photoshop, first open the image. Then, click on the Refine Edge Brush tool. Next, drag the brush over the area you want to remove. Finally, use the Refine Edge dialog box to adjust the brush settings and click on the Remove button.

How to invert colors

To invert colors in Photoshop, go to Image > Adjustments > Curves and select each of the channels (R, G, B). Enter the values for each channel and play around with the settings to find what looks best.

How to use Feather settings

In Photoshop, feathering is used to blur the edges of a selection. To remove an object from a photo using the Feather setting, first select the object you want to remove. Then, in the Tools panel, click on the Feather button. In the Feather dialog box, set the Feather value to 0 px. Click OK and the object will be removed from the photo.


If you’re ever struggling to remove an object from a photo in Photoshop, this tutorial is for you. By learning how to use the content-aware tool, you’ll be able to easily remove any unwanted elements from your images without having to spend hours painstakingly editing each and every pixel by pixel.

Written By Wim Arys

Wim Arys, a visionary photographer and educator, shares his expertise and passion for capturing the essence of life through the lens.

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